Clomid. Or also known as hell in pill form.

So Clomid. Where to start with Clomid.

I started my first cycle with Clomid last September. I had read about it online and its side effects. Mainly heard a lot of being more hormonal, headaches, and light headedness. I asked my dr the side effects and he told me “you’ll probably be more hormonal than usual (greaaaaaat.) and another is multiple births.” Just super casually. I’m sorry, what? Twins?! At first I as like shit. That would be complicated. Then I was like oh well! Two is better than none!!!! Ahryon was stoked. He wants twins so bad. Boom, kids done in one pregnancy.

Any way, day 3 of my cycle rolls around, got up around 5 am when Ahryon was getting up for work, took the Clomid and a Tylenol to try and keep the headache away and chugged water. Went back to bed. Woke up, went to work, felt a little light headed and foggy but not bad. I thought, score, this will be a piece of cake.

Wrong. So wrong.

Day two came, got up did the same thing and went back to bed for a few hours. Woke up, and I’m pretty sure I cried over the stupidest shit EVER. I cried listening to the radio about a women who won concert tickets. I cried cause my windshield wiper broke. I cried cause there was traffic. I cried cause it was too hot in our apartment, but when I took the blankets off me it was too cold. I was a hot freaking mess. Ahryon thought I went completely crazy.

And the cravings! I craved pizza with ranch, I craved tacos from a particular taco place that they only serve these certain street tacos on Taco Tuesday, and of course it was Wednesday so I cried about that. (Rocking Baja In the Oceanside Harbor if anyone was curious!) I craved terrabuffaque wings from PCH, coffee cake from Beach Break Cafe, I craved beer and bacon. I craved so much stuff I can’t even remember. And I almost throat punched Ahryon for a cookie. It was bad yall. That’s pretty much how the rest of the cycle went.

When I ovulated I started having HORRIBLE cramps, right in the middle of my cycle. And they didn’t end until after I got my period. It was so weird. At the end of my cycle I took a pregnancy test and WOOHOO IT WAS POSITIVE. I fist pumped and party boyed my ass off. And cried, obviously. Then I was so excited I took another the next day and it was negative. WTF. So I went in for a blood test and that came back negative. My OB said it was probably an early miscarriage. Or chemical pregnancy. So that sucked. I was pissed. I was concerned about it being an eptopic pregnancy (where the egg is fertilized and implants in the Fallopian tube), so they did an ultra sound and found NOTHING. COOL BRO.

I should also mention, I have gotten 3, that’s right people THREE, false positive pregnancy tests. I’m that lucky SOB who is the .1% that gets a false positive. Fuck my life right?

Well I did this Clomid cycle FOUR freaking times. My last one was in January. Clearly there’s something wrong but we don’t know what.

Any way I need to calm down cause I’m sure my mom will text me after she reads this and says something about me cursing. Hi Mom! 😉

Love you all!


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